Marketing & PR

We provide a wide range of Services

BLT is experienced in managing public awareness and attention around a brand. As a management function, PR focuses on building relationships and managing an image. Yeah, we got this.

Press releases

The goal of a press release is to pique the interest of a journalist or publication. We create enticing, clear & concise press releases that contain all the essential information for your target audience.

Event coordination

BLT has an extensive history with event planning, producing and marketing, brand activations and experience design. Meeting with the clients to work out event detail is just the beginning. We plan, scout and book locations, create displays, book entertainment, staff and of course, we always remember the cleanup.

Media kits

The point of a media kit is to catch the eye of a journalist and make them want to write an article or do an interview. It should also be a one-stop shop for all of the information customers, investors or sponsors may need.

Social media engagement

Of course you want to rack up your followers, but ultimately, the greatest measure of social media success is an engaged audience, not just a big one. As a business, it's quality, not just quantity, that you should be striving for.


Most frequent questions and answers

Publicity is about media presence. At its core, it’s simply about attention. Publicity might consist of news articles and stories, or details about relevant events.  It creates awareness of a brand. Should you hire a publicist, their job is to promote your company so people are aware of it. Publicity tends to centre around a low-cost, short-term goal. 

PR, on the other hand, is an all-encompassing management tool.  A PR professional will be well-versed in creating long-term strategies aimed at achieving numerous goals. Additionally, a company rarely has control over publicity, so it can be either positive or negative. Conversely, PR is controlled by a company and is therefore always positive. 

PR is about constructing meaningful relationships with the public.  In this case, “the public” can consist of customers, shareholders, suppliers, investors, and even the government. Building and maintaining these relationships creates a positive brand image.  To accomplish a company’s goals, PR strategists aim to positively influence public attitudes towards the organization. Below are some examples of what a managed PR campaign might include.

A Media Kit is a carefully curated collection of information and promotional material related to your company.  Also known as a Press Kit, these are critical for ensuring the media maintains your brand integrity. Having an easy-to-access Media Kit means a journalist find accurate information before writing about your company. Your kit includes things like your company and executive bios, as well as graphic elements like logos.

Nearly every business makes the most of social media marketing.  These days, however, posting great content isn’t enough on its own. To build relationships, your brand has to actively engage and respond to users online.  You’ve likely seen the buzz surrounding brands that do this successfully. PR professionals carefully maintain your brand’s online persona by being an active part of the conversation.  

While publicity might get you attention, how do you respond to that attention? Whether it’s positive or negative, your response to publicity is of utmost importance.  Saying the wrong thing could sour a good reception or make poor perception worse. A media advisor can tell a business when and how to respond to avoid any pitfalls. On the flip side, their advice can boost your reputation. 

Hopefully, by now you’re more familiar with the differences between publicity and PR.  Publicity is important, but it’s just one aspect of PR. With a proper PR strategy in place, you can build and maintain relationships that will maximise your reputation.  You’ll also have much more control over public reception with a managed PR strategy.

Publicity is certainly a good way to hit your goals, but only if your PR strategy can direct it effectively. There’s definitely an appeal to the low costs of publicity. However, it’s best to avoid relying on a publicity-only approach without someone who can help you set and meet your goals.

In short… been there, done that. BLT has been helping brands grow their presence with the public and the media for well over a decade. We’ve watched fledgling brands we work with, go from operating out of a one car garage to, having a major sports stadium named after them. We’ve been responsible for taking a sleepy cafe´ from near closure to ‘Standing Room Only’. We can go on all day about our client success stories, but why not start on your own success story? Contact us now, so we can get started.